Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

- Olive oil stimulates the metabolism, helps digestion and soothes the mucous lining of the skin.
- It relieves constipation and other stomach ailments, has antioxidant benefits, lowers cholesterol and controls ear problems.
- Olive oil controls dandruff and hair loss, moisturises the skin, reduces stretch marks and makes bones strong.
- It helps in controlling diabetes, obesity, hypertension and blood pressure.
- It also helps in prevention of gall stones, cancer especially colon cancer, soothes ulcers and acts as a natural pain reliever.
- It helps in reducing bone loss due its vitamin K content.
- The vitamin K also helps in limiting brain damage in Alzheimer's.

Olive Oil Uses
Other than it being used in cooking and the health benefits of olive oil, it has many non conventional uses as well.

- It helps in taming tangled hair as it moisturises the hair.
- It can ease snoring as taking a sip of the oil helps in lubricating the throat muscles.
- Silverware, copper ware, and other metals can be given a final rub with olive oil to prevent streaks and tarnish.
- For furniture cleaning add a few drops on a cloth and wipe.
- Stuck zippers can benefit from a rub of some olive oil on the teeth of the zipper.
- It can also help in preventing squeaky hinges when lubricated.

Safety Factor
Olive oil can be used daily. It has no allergic agents unlike some other oils.

Jenis Olive OIL produk Spain:
- Extra Virgin isi 5 liter merk SUN FELIPE
- Virgin isi 5 liter merk ALTIVOLIVA
- Extra Virgin isi 1 liter merk COOSUR

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